More Google applications

After your Google Apps accounts are converted, your users will have access to most Google products. Previously, many Google products — such as Blogger, Reader, and Picasa Web Albums — were available only in personal (consumer) Google Accounts. See the list below for which Google products are accessible to users for use with accounts on your domain. Note that this list is subject to change without notice, and that not all products are available in all areas.
To learn more about the conversion process, please read Get ready to transition.
Product | Description | Terms | Available |
3D Warehouse | Find 3D models and share your models with the world | link | |
AdSense | Place Google ads on your website and earn revenue | link | |
AdWords | Display your ads on Google and our advertising network | link | |
Affiliate Network | Discover new advertiser referral programs and generate more revenue | link | |
Alerts | Get email updates on the topics of your choice | link | |
Analytics | Get rich insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness | link | |
Android | Google’s operating system for powerful mobile devices | link | |
Android Market for Developers | Offer Android applications that you develop to the rapidly growing Android user base | link | |
AppEngine | Run applications that you develop on Google’s scalable, hosted infrastructure | link | |
Blogger | Share your life online with a blog – it’s quick, easy and free | link | |
Bookmarks | Access your Bookmarks on any computer, and use Lists to share them with friends | link | |
Books | Search the full text of books | link | |
Books Partner Program | Promote your books on Google for free | link | |
Checkout | Complete online purchases more quickly and securely | link | |
Chrome Sync | Synchronize your bookmarks, browser preferences, and browser theme on multiple computers | link | |
Confucius | Ask questions and get answers from real people | link | |
Contacts | Easy access to the people you want to reach | link | |
Custom Search | Create a customized search experience for your community | link | |
DART Enterprise | Sell, deliver, report on and bill advertising inventory | Requires written agreement | |
DART for Advertisers | Manage, traffic, serve, and review your online advertising | Requires written agreement | |
DART for Publishers | Streamline your ad management functions with advanced targeting and more | Requires written agreement | |
DART Search | Manage and optimize your pay-per-click ads and keywords across all major search engines | Requires written agreement | |
Dashboard | View product-specific data that’s associated with your Google Account | link | |
DoubleClick Customer Resource Center | Find help and support resources for all of your DoubleClick-related needs | Requires written agreement | |
DoubleClick AdPlanner | Identify websites your target customers are likely to visit and build media plans | Requires written agreement | |
DoubleClick Studio | Create traffic-ready rich media ads quickly | link | |
Enterprise Marketplace | Browse for, purchase, and deploy integrated business-oriented cloud applications | link | |
FeedBurner | Create and manage custom RSS feeds | link | |
Finance | Business info, news and interactive charts | link | |
FriendConnect | Add robust, social features to your website | link | |
Fusion Tables | Import and visualize table data online | link | |
Google Code | Find documentation for developing with Google’s tools and APIs | link | |
Google Desktop | Search and personalize your computer | link | |
Google In Your Language | Translate Google’s help information and search interface into your favorite language | link | |
Google Storage | Purchase extra storage quota for Gmail, Google Docs and Picasa Web Albums | link | |
Health | Organize your medical records online | link | |
Help Forums | Get questions answered and read popular discussions in Google support communities | link | |
iGoogle | Add news, games and more to your Google homepage | link | |
Knol | Share what you know | link | |
Latitude | See your friends on a map from your mobile phone or PC | link | |
Maps | View maps and directions | link | |
Map Maker | Become a citizen cartographer and help map your world | link | |
Merchant Center | Upload your product data to Google and make it available to Google Product Search | link | |
Moderator | Gather and prioritize questions or opinions on any topic from a group of people | link | |
News | Search thousands of news stories | link | |
Orkut | Meet new people and stay in touch with friends | link | |
Panoramio | Geolocate, store and organize your photographs | link | |
Picasa Web Albums | Share photos with friends and family, or explore public photos | link | |
Places | Put your business on Google Maps | link | |
PowerMeter | View your home’s energy consumption from anywhere online | link | |
Product Search | Search for stuff to buy | link | |
Profiles | Control how you appear on Google and tell others a bit more about who you are | link | |
Reader | Get all your blogs and news feeds fast | link | |
Shopping List | Keep track of the products you want to buy | link | |
SideWiki | Publish helpful information about any web page right in your browser | link | |
Squared | Build a collection of facts from the Web | link | |
Subscribed Links | Create custom search results that users can add to their Google search pages | link | |
Tasks | Keep track of what you need to do | link | |
Translate | View web pages in other languages | link | |
Translated Search | Search websites in other languages | link | |
Translator Toolkit | Get tools for translators to translate your pages and documents faster | link | |
Voice | One number for multiple phones, online voicemail and cheap calling | link | |
Wave | Collaborate and discuss content together in one place | link | |
Web History | View and search across the full text of the pages you’ve visited | link | |
Webmaster Tools | Get detailed reports about your pages’ visibility on Google | link | |
Website Optimizer | Increase the value of your existing websites and traffic | link | |
YouTube | Watch, upload and share videos | link | |
YouTube Content Manager | Identify and manage your content with Content ID | link | |
YouTube Developer API access | Programmatically manage your content on YouTube | link | |
YouTube Promoted Videos | Promote your videos on YouTube search result pages | link |
Note: For information on support for these services, please see the support options article