Skype is an invaluable tool in business. Personally I use Skype to make the great majority of outbound phone calls each day from my office computer or MacBook air.
From time to time it is important to be able to record the call for training purposes or to have a record of the conversation for later review.
After evaluating several programs for Windows PCs, I found this simple free, lightweight application to do a very good job of recording the call and saving an MP3 file of the call into a folder.
If are using a Mac, the program that I found works best is Call Recorder
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Program Description
MP3 Skype Recorder is a free for private non-commercial use program which automatically records all your Skype conversations (including conferences). It stores your conversations locally in files using compact and very popular MP3 format.
The tool can record P2P Skype calls and SkypeOut calls as well as calls to Skype Online number. The program sits in the system tray and monitors skype calls.It starts recording automatically when you begin conversation. It can record several calls simultaneously (one active with others on hold).
When doing so the recorder stores every call in separate file for later use. Simple and intuitive interface requires almost no tuning. All you have to do is install the program and provide it with access to the Skype client.
Information contained in the conversation may be valuable for you in many ways for many reasons. Making and keeping the records may help your business and sometimes guard your reputation.
Main features of MP3 Skype Recorder:
- It’s absolutely free with no limits attached.
- Automatic or manual recording capabilities.
- Compact format of stored records (mp3 files).
- May be used to record P2P, SkypeOut
calls and calls made to Online number
- Capable to track simultaneous calls and to save them separately.
- Easy integration with Skype Conference recording.
- Intuitive easy to use interface.
The program is distributed “AS IS” with no warranty, but it’s absolutely free to use.