Personal Articles
Here are some short, quick insights on a variety of personal things I find interesting. Thanks for visiting… Enjoy!
Call of Duty Black Ops Last DLC Pack – Zombie Labs Rezurrection Trailer via Black Ops - Zombie Labs Rezurrection Trailer / Moon Gameplay!!! -...
Daniel’s Day at the ‘Zoo’ (PetsMart)
See the full gallery on Posterous We go out there just about every Saturday. He loves seeing all the dogs, cats,...
Fox in Socks. Daniel in Box.
Best... Toy... Ever... See the full gallery on Posterous .
C.K. (Chicken Killer) and Green Chicken
Bed buddies... .
Best Shopping Trip Ever with Daniel
He is a master of his A, B, Zzzz's!
Daniel’s Deer Friend
When we hike out back to neighbor Jim's house, Daniel always says 'hi' to this old wood deer... It's so cute....
There must have been a sale on striped shirts!
We match!.
Saturday adventures with Daniel
Off we go! (to Southridge center) Daniel wants to be a front seat driver! .
My favorite photo of Daniel and Lily together
Daniel turned 2 this summer and we adopted Lily almost 4 months ago - both of them are the most amazing joy and...
Video: Modern Warfare 3’s new Spec Ops ‘Survival’ mode
Unreal. Amazing. Can't wait...
A Bug’s Life – YouTube Caught this little guy today at lunch and let him go... Video created with...
The crazy guy with the AK47 at the 7-11
Nothing good happens after 10pm... Amplify’d from Charleston man arrested for allegedly opening fire...
Must Watch – Insane Bike Skills – I hope Daniel NEVER does this!! Industrial Revolutions is the amazing new film from street trials riding...
Lily’s grin makes my day!
Where did Lily’s binky go? Oh… Daniel has it…
Every now and then Daniel undergoes some 'regression therapy'....
Where are we eating lunch today? (photo clue)
Daniel (jealous) sits in the baby chair
He just couldn't stand Lily getting all the attention! .
Lily is starting to sit up (and smile)
She is so proud of herself! .
Chicken Killer find a new Feathered Friend
The bird should be careful who he curls up with! .
Exciting day. Bomb Squad on Capitol St. beside our office.
Quite an eventful afternoon today. Still not sure what was up..
Run Daniel Run! We took Daniel to the park tonight and he just took off running with all...
New Downtown Charleston Panera Bread
Isn't it great having the new Panera Bread downtown?.
Incredible metal art @taylorbooks
I love the work that this one guy does with the springy creatures made from the scrap metal. So creative! .
Beautiful evening tonight. Sun shining in our backyard.
I love how the evening sun breaks through the trees. .